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Diskuse s wikipedistou:Wakkie1379

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Z Wikipedie, otevřené encyklopedie
Poslední komentář: před 6 lety od uživatele DRobert

Hi, thanks for some new articles. But please do note they are using quite few templates that do not exist here. Can you sort it out? Also, I would like to ask why Hepatitida C is having hardly any links to other articles while other articles you have created do have them. Are those links going to be added in the next iteration of text from Translators Without Borders? Regards --11. 1. 2014, 01:21 (UTC), Utar (diskuse)

I will investigate.Wakkie1379 (diskuse) 11. 1. 2014, 01:30 (UTC)
Hello Utar. Which templates are in the article that are not used here? Is this for Hepatitida C or another article? I removed the links before translation as the translators were having trouble with them. Do you think the links are useful? I think this is the only article that does not have them. If you wish to add them please do. James Heilman, MD (talk · contribs · email)(please leave replies on my talk page) 11. 1. 2014, 01:37 (UTC)
Okay I found one and removed it. Thanks. James Heilman, MD (talk · contribs · email)(please leave replies on my talk page) 11. 1. 2014, 01:40 (UTC)
Many thanks. I appriciate all the help to make the articles look good.Wakkie1379 (diskuse) 11. 1. 2014, 01:44 (UTC)
ad templates: for example Diabetes melitus neboli cukrovka 2. typu{{Spaced ndash}}, {{TOC limit}}, {{OGTT}}.
ad links: I have found no links just in Hepatitida C. I have not checked where are those links in other you articles going until I have read Tchoř's reaction to you, Jmh649. And yes, I have found lots of those links are leading to names in bad cases. I would like to point you to en:Czech declension – names of articles in Czech Wikipedia are hardly using other cases then nominative one while text in those articles is using all seven cases.
To give an example: the last sentence in the first section of Diabetes melitus neboli cukrovka 2. typu stands now as Může však dojít k [[neketotickému osmolárnímu kómatu]]. It uses the preposition „k“ (It can lead to…) which is connected with the third case, accusative. So it should be Může však dojít k [[Nekotické osmolární kóma|neketotickému osmolárnímu kómatu]]., using accusative in the sentence and nominative for the link. Note adjectives are flexing according to their substantive, too.
There are lots of such links in articles you have added in Czech Wikipedia and repairing all these links is quite a tedious work.
My tips now: talk about your project in public (Wikipedie:Pod lípou) and maybe even make project page (Wikipedie:Wikiprojekt Překladatelé bez hranic) to have one central place for both discussion with members of TWB initiative and coordination of tasks needed to change/transform/merge articles for better acceptance by Czech Wikipedia. Regards --11. 1. 2014, 10:51 (UTC), Utar (diskuse)
My tip is: dont translate medical articles in language, that you dont speak, especially if your translators aren't doctors. I waste lot of time at your opus Anafylaktický šok. Best regards --DRobert (diskuse) 2. 7. 2018, 16:22 (CEST)Odpovědět

Diabetes mellitus 2. typu[editovat zdroj]

Dobrý den, děkuji Vám za informace v článku Diabetes mellitus 2. typu. Bohužel jeho zpracování zatím nesplňuje požadavky na encyklopedické heslo. Pokuste se prosím text článku upravit alespoň do té míry, aby splňoval základní požadavky na vzhled a styl článků. Pokud se nám to ani společnými silami nepodaří, po 14 dnech se rozhodneme, zda pro udržení kvality Wikipedie není vhodnější takový článek úplně odstranit; tento proces se nazývá Odložené smazání. Děkuji za pochopení. --Harold (diskuse) 11. 1. 2014, 21:05 (UTC)

Like en:Template:Proposed deletion/dated but with 14 days interval. --11. 1. 2014, 21:18 (UTC), Utar (diskuse)
Okay posted here [1] James Heilman, MD (talk · contribs · email)(please leave replies on my talk page) 11. 1. 2014, 23:42 (UTC)