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Diskuse s wikipedistkou:Harkawal Benipal

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Poslední komentář: před 4 lety od uživatele Martin Urbanec v tématu „Adding images

--Gampe (diskuse) 24. 9. 2020, 07:36 (CEST)Odpovědět

Adding images

[editovat zdroj]


I have reverted images added to Nice, because they appeared to be added to a random part of that article, without paying any attention to the article's structure. I do not think images need to be in articles "whatever the cost may be", the images must make sense in that particular part of an article. In this case, the article about Nice doesn't even have a section about Flower parade, let alone a section long enough that it can accommodate ~10 images.

Best, --Martin Urbanec (diskuse) 29. 9. 2020, 11:20 (CEST)Odpovědět