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Diskuse s wikipedistou:Tq93sgd5

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Z Wikipedie, otevřené encyklopedie
Poslední komentář: před 3 měsíci od uživatele Janbery v tématu „Dotazník pro editory ke tvorbě strategického plánu

Matthias Manasi

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Dobrý den, děkuji Vám za informace v článku Matthias Manasi. Bohužel jeho zpracování zatím nesplňuje požadavky na encyklopedické heslo. Pokuste se prosím text článku upravit alespoň do té míry, aby splňoval základní požadavky na vzhled, encyklopedický styl a jazyk článků. Pokud se nám to ani společnými silami nepodaří, po 14 dnech se rozhodneme, zda pro udržení kvality Wikipedie není vhodnější takový článek úplně odstranit; tento proces se nazývá odložené smazání. Děkuji za pochopení. --Vít Karásek (diskuse) 29. 3. 2024, 19:48 (CET)Odpovědět

Dobrý den, děkuji Vám za informace v článku Matthias Manasi. Bohužel obsahuje nevyhovující strojově přeložený text, který vyžaduje důkladnou jazykovou korekturu a případně i kontrolu odborné terminologie a obsahové správnosti. Pokuste se prosím upravit alespoň část textu, jež by tvořila ucelený článek. Po týdnu se rozhodneme, zda neupravené části takového článku úplně odstranit; tento proces se nazývá Odložené smazání. Děkuji za pochopení.

Hello, thank you for adding the article Matthias Manasi. Unfortunately, the text is an automated translation of insufficient quality. Please do not use automated translations. Thank you for your understanding. --Vít Karásek (diskuse) 29. 3. 2024, 19:48 (CET)Odpovědět

Thank you.
The text was translated by a native Czech speaker and an independent Czech native speaker confirmed that the quality is perfect.
What exactly should be improved? --Tq93sgd5 (diskuse) 29. 3. 2024, 19:56 (CET)Odpovědět
The text is riddled with errors, including grammatical, typographical, and untranslated passages. Even if it was truly translated by a native Czech speaker, it still contains numerous issues that need addressing. This is the primary concern that needs to be tackled. --Vít Karásek (diskuse) 29. 3. 2024, 20:03 (CET)Odpovědět
Thank you. I will tell this to the Czech translator.
If you could help it would be great.
Thanks. --Tq93sgd5 (diskuse) 29. 3. 2024, 20:55 (CET)Odpovědět
Thank you again for bringing this issue to our attention. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. We have reviewed the translated document and can assure you that our translator is a native Czech speaker and professional translator with extensive experience. According to our translator, the translation was done to the best of their ability and in line with the English and German sources. An independent proofreader, a journalist and moderator of a renowned Czech television channel, has reviewed the translation and found it perfect.
However, we understand that there may be some discrepancies or concerns by you as a Wikipedia editor. We would be more than happy to address any specific issues or suggestions for improvement. Could you please provide us with the specific errors or areas that require attention? This will allow us to communicate with the translator and work towards resolving any identified issues.
Regarding the translation of names of opera houses and orchestras, it is common practice to often use the original names in their respective languages, such as La Scala, Metropolitan Opera, Deutsche Oper Berlin. Staatstheater Kassel, Symphoniker Hamburg, Southern Arizona Symphony Orchestra, etc. This can be seen in other Czech articles on Wikipedia about conductors, opera singers, instrumentalists etc.
However, if you have a preference for translating these names into Czech, please let us know, and we will ensure that this preference will be realized in this article about the conductor "Matthias Manasi".
Your satisfaction is of the utmost importance to us, and we are committed to delivering a high-quality Czech article on Wikipedia. We appreciate your patience and cooperation in this matter. Please provide us with the specific details, and we will work with our translators to address any concerns.
Your advice is highly appreciated. --Tq93sgd5 (diskuse) 1. 4. 2024, 18:16 (CEST)Odpovědět
The text still contains several typos, grammatical, and typographical errors. Besides that, I would like to mention that according to the Wikipedia policy (not sure how to translate the Czech term exactly), longer lists, such as the listing of locations in this particular case, should not be included in the article. Of course, a few of the most significant ones can be mentioned, but lists of tens should not be included in the article. --Vít Karásek (diskuse) 5. 4. 2024, 13:11 (CEST)Odpovědět
Thank you for alerting us to this ongoing necessity of improving language details and linguistic quality in this article. We asked another professional translator, of course also a native Czech speaker, for advice and he changed and corrected a few things. If there are still errors in the translation, please state specifically the word or sentence in which you believe there is a problem with the linguistic quality and perfection.
If necessary, please let us know specifically about the area that may require improvement. Thank you. --Tq93sgd5 (diskuse) 10. 4. 2024, 22:52 (CEST)Odpovědět
Thank you for bringing the lack of quality to our attention regarding the translation of the article on Wikipedia. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and take this matter very seriously. Our translator has translated more names of orchestras and opera houses. However, it is also important to remember that translations of proper nouns, such as names of orchestras and opera houses, are often kept in their original language to maintain their recognition and authenticity.
We also made the list of locations shorter and reduced it to the most significant ones. If you give us a sign which details have to be corrected, then we will correct identified errors or areas that require improvement. We value your feedback and appreciate your patience as we work towards resolving this matter to your satisfaction. If you have any further concerns, please do not hesitate to tell us. We are committed to ensuring the quality and will do our best to meet your expectations. --Tq93sgd5 (diskuse) 11. 4. 2024, 23:25 (CEST)Odpovědět
We have limited the names of opera houses and orchestras to relatively few, important and representative institutions. Our translator has translated most of the names of orchestras and opera houses into Czech. For some names, for reasons of recognition and authenticity, as with many Wikipedia articles, we have added the name of the institution in the original language in brackets. As you surely know, in the music world, the name of an orchestra or an opera house is often used in its original language in other languages. If you think this is unnecessary, please let us know and we will correct this as soon as possible. Please let us know specifically if something needs to be improved, changed or shortened, we would then improve it immediately.
Thank you for your help and support. --Tq93sgd5 (diskuse) 12. 4. 2024, 18:44 (CEST)Odpovědět

Dotazník pro editory ke tvorbě strategického plánu

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Dobrý den,

jako aktivního editora Vás prosíme o pomoc při tvorbě strategického plánu spolku Wikimedia Česká republika do roku 2027. Pomozte nám rozhodnout, jakým směrem se mají programy pro editory v následujících třech letech ubírat. O vyplnění krátkého dotazníku Vás prosíme do 1. května 2024, obsahuje 7 otázek a zabere to asi 5 minut.

Vyplňte dotazník pro editory

V rámci probíhajících příprav strategického plánu spolku WMČR na léta 25–27 běží paralelně řada procesů. Různými formami postupně oslovujeme definované cílové skupiny. V rámci možností se snažíme o maximální stručnost a efektivitu, ptáme se vždy na to, co je pro danou skupinu primárně relevantní.

Více informací k procesu a průběhu přípravy SP najdete na pro tyto účely zřízené veřejné stránce. Na editorský dotazník navazuje termínově setkání se správci a patrolou – v gesci Pavla Bednaříka. V případě jakýchkoliv dotazů se mi můžete ozvat na diskusní stránce, nebo mailem na jan.beranek@wikimedia.cz.

Děkujeme za zapojení,

--janbery (diskuse) 20. 4. 2024, 23:50 (CEST)Odpovědět