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co bylo Unnilpentium (Unp)?

Popis sporů okolo názvu prvku s auomovou hnotou 105 v anglické wikipedii:
An element naming controversy erupted between the two groups. The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) thus adopted unnilpentium (Unp) as a temporary, systematic element name. Attempting to resolve the issue, in 1994, the IUPAC proposed the name joliotium (Jl), after the French physicist Frédéric Joliot-Curie. The two principal claimants still disagreed about the names of elements 104-106. However in 1997 they resolved the dispute and adopted the current name, dubnium (Db), after the city that contains the Russian Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. It was argued by IUPAC that the Berkeley laboratory had already been recognized several times in the naming of elements (ie, berkelium, californium, americium) and that the acceptance of the names rutherfordium and seaborgium for elements 104 and 106 should be offset by recognizing the contributions of the Russian team to the discovery of elements 104,105 and 106
--Karel 12. 6. 2009, 10:00 (UTC)

v tomto článku je chyba v nukleonovém čísle dusíku, pozor na to! -- Tento nepodepsaný komentář přidal(a) uživatel(ka) (diskuse)