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Wikipedie:Editaton/Prachatice/Závěrečná zpráva/en

Z Wikipedie, otevřené encyklopedie

česky | English

Editaton Prachatice took place on the weekend of March 9 and 10, 2019 in the Prachatice Museum, but the participants continued to work until the end of March. The event was attended by ten participants on-site and up to five others online. At the same time, a local online editor appeared. A total of 135 articles were created or improved, 1,800+ photos were uploaded and 74 items were created on Wikidata. The event was supported by the Wikimedia Foundation grant.

We would like to return to Prachatice in the future and we would like the locals to get involved. The concept of freedom has proved its worth, so if someone wants to get to know the place and collect materials first, there is no reason not to allow it. The reservation of articles was not evaluated very positively in the questionnaire sent to the participants, so we would make it optional and work a little more on the literature. Similarly, work will be needed to simplify the organization, which was very challenging in this case.

In conclusion, we would like to thank the director of the museum, Mgr. Petr Berkovský that he made it possible to hold an editaton in the museum and that he prepared background literature, PhDr. František Kubů for information about the Golden Trail and support, Mgr. Jiří Gabriel Kučera and KreBul, o. P. S., that they provided space for a preparatory course, presentation, and editing. Thanks also go to everyone who participated, either on-site (users Anaj7, Aktron, Art Jarka, Czeva, janmanak, KKDAII, MIGORMCZ, Utar), or online (Hadonos, Horst, Jan Polák, Jklamo, Packa). Many thanks to user Elektracentrum for negotiating the space and cooperation, as well as for preparing articles and materials for editing and no less for coordinating the photographers.

Newly created articles

Photographs taken
…and more at Wikimedia Commons.