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Diskuse s wikipedistou:Riwnodennyk

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Pryvit, korystuvač z Ukrajiny!

Vaši editaci v článku Krymští Tataři jsem zrušil, neboť název Krymci není v češtině používán. Zdravím a бажаєм успіхів. -- 10:04, 12. 4. 2008 (UTC)

Thanx for invitation! Sorry, that Čeština isn't good enough, so I'll write in English. Not only Ukrainians and Russians use “Krymci”: but also Crimean Tatars themselves (Qırımlar). I don't think that common people in Czech Republic heard a lot about Crimeans, however usage of exclusively “Krymští Tataři” can make a wrong impression that Crimeans are simply Tatars who live in Crimea. It's utterly erroneous. They are absolutely different nations and have got resembling names, because many Muslim peoples in Russian Empire have got such a nickname “Tatars”, e.g. Azerbaijanis and many other. But today, mainly Bulgars are known as “principal” Tatars. --Riwnodennyk 11:37, 12. 4. 2008 (UTC)
Common people here really don't know a lot about Crimeans, but tehy can read the article Krymští Tataři which says that Tatars and Crimenan Tatars have common origins, but different ethnogenesis. Beyond this, Czech language can distinguish — Krymští Tataři as a nation and krymští Tataři as Tatars who live in Crimea. -- 19:51, 21. 4. 2008 (UTC)