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Diskuse s wikipedistou:Mahitgar

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Z Wikipedie, otevřené encyklopedie
Poslední komentář: před 6 lety od uživatele Mahitgar v tématu „freedom defined.org

freedom defined.org

[editovat zdroj]
Sorry for using englsh language

To, Wikipedista:Mormegil , Hi, it seems you make much stronger edit filters than me :) I wanted to ask help to user User:Eloquence on his talk page User talk:Erik Möller on freedomdefined.org and it seems that my account on freedom defined.org got blocked by an automated filter. I wish you can revisit that block please. meanwhile I have left my help request message at meta:User_talk:Eloquence#About freedomdefined.org

:) Thanks and regards

Mahitgar (diskuse) 30. 10. 2017, 11:06 (CET)Odpovědět

Hi, sorry for the trouble, the filters are indeed very strict, as the wiki is under a constant flood of spambots. I have unblocked your account and IP address there. --Mormegil 30. 10. 2017, 12:04 (CET)Odpovědět

Yes indeed , obsrved some vandalism on mr-translation page, it was restored by you, thanks for your help about the same. On meta undersigned supports meta:Edit filters of cross-wiki interest page. Thanks and warm regards

Mahitgar (diskuse) 30. 10. 2017, 14:41 (CET)Odpovědět