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Diskuse s wikipedistou:Cevenol2

Obsah stránky není podporován v jiných jazycích.
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Z Wikipedie, otevřené encyklopedie

Hi and welcome to the Czech Wikipedia!

Please consider uploading your pictures to Wikimedia Commons instead of each Wikipedia separately. Wikimedia Commons is a shared repository of free multimedia contents (pictures, videos, sounds, …) that can be used from any Wikimedia project. That is, once you upload a picture on Commons, any Wikipedia may use it.

--Mormegil 08:37, 28. 4. 2005 (UTC)

Please, Add to your articles automatically template {{upravit}}. Why did not upload your pictures Wikimedia Commons, it is better. Cinik 13:46, 29. 4. 2005 (UTC)

Hi. I'm sorry, but it was necessary for me to set the most of you images by Template:No source:

Please fill information about source and license of the images. --Beren 20:13, 30. 4. 2005 (UTC) Ok I'm sorry for this all my pictures have been modified. Thank you for your indication Wikipedista:cevenol2

Too short article

[editovat zdroj]

Hello, I am sorry but I have to inform you that your article TGV Réseau does not fulfill our criteria for new articles. It is too short. I understand that you cannot make it longer but I feel it is fair to tell you that it either will be improved or deleted in a week. The article can stay if it contains at least a couple of sentences of fluently readable text. Thank you for your interest in Czech Wikipedia, anyway. --Miraceti 18:14, 27. 8. 2007 (UTC) Maybe I can give you some explenations that you could translate in Czech ?