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Diskuse:Romanovská rodinná asociace

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Následující anglický text škrtám a kopíruju sem, měl asi sloužit k dopřekladu:

Po smrti knížete Romana Petroviče v roce 1978, jeho syn kníže Mikuláš Romanovič, after looking through his father's papers found that everything was effectively in place for the creation of a Family association. Kníže Nicholas then wrote to all the Romanovs who had been in communication with his father and it was agreed that a Family Association should be created. In 1979 the Romanov Family Association was officially formed with Kníže Dmitrij Alexandrovič as president and Kníže Nicholas Romanovič as vice president. Kníže Nicholas Romanovič was elected president in succession to Kníže Vasili Alexandrovič who died in 1989.

--Nolanus C 25. 6. 2012, 20:31 (UTC)

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