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Italian recruit tradition[editovat | editovat zdroj]

History[editovat | editovat zdroj]

Since the times of the Roman Empire, there has been a tradition that is either loved or hated by people all over the world. Nevertheless, this tradition still persists. The beginnings of this tradition date back to the times of the Roman Emperor Ziphyrus. Ziphyrus was mostly a simple man who loved good wine, women, and music with a simple rhythm of bouncing a drum. His speech was limited to a few phrases such as: 'I'm cracking up.. However, he loved to torture his enemies by cutting their fingers with scissors, which usually took several hours to cut through. The emperor became obsessed with this tradition, and every new servant that started working for him had their little finger cut off as an honor to Ziphyrus.

Present[editovat | editovat zdroj]

This tradition still prevails as a memory of Emperor Ziphyrus, albeit in a lighter sense. Every new employee in an Italian gastronomy company should, in his honor, cut spaghetti with scissors. There's a rumor here that if any supervisor knows about this tradition, they usually increase your salary.