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Open House Brno[editovat | editovat zdroj]

Open House Brno is an event which promotes appreciation of local architecture by the general public. It is a part of the Open House World Wide and presents during two-day event held on one weekend each April throughout Brno since 2017.

Number of buildings considered to be of architectural significance open their doors for free public tours. Architecture Days are similar event held in Brno in September, Open House event takes place also in Vienna (September) and Prague (May)

The Open House event in London is usually held on the last weekend in April. The 2019 event featured over 70 buildings, neighborhood walks, architects' talks, and English guided tours. Well-known buildings not usually open to the public which were open on Open House weekend since 2017, for example, included Alfa passage rooftops, Student theater Orli, or Barka theatre.

Open House Weekend attracts number of visitors, in 2019 participated around 20,000 people. It is often possible to turn up and go straight into some establishments, although some places requires previous registration of a guided tour only.

Outside of the Open House Weekend, Open House Brno organises other projects including year-round tours for volunteers, lectures and educational events for children.