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JJsploit virus???

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JJsploit is an application that allows you to Hack and cheat in a game of roblox This cheat was made in 2016/2017 but only later people started saying that JJsploit is a Cryptominer and also Malware, people started making fake videos of what this program can do to you with your computer. like it will look like memz.exe yes the worst virus .. but it's not a virus, people started spreading fake messages just because this program is used by children ... the others are quite annoyed. all these videos are fake, I know this because I researched JJsploit Antivirus Avast and it did not find any Malware / Trojan (Cryptominer) sometimes just look in the file or scan the files. One thing ... I use JJsploit for 1 year and nothing happens, JJsploit IS SECURE (so why does my browser tell me it's Malware ???) simple question ... Roblox developers and Microsoft Windows explicitly block these programs because they are Illegal yes, and all Hacking Programs are Illegal ... but not everyone may like your hacks, that's the whole reason. Thank you for reading this