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Александр Галкин (Владимирович), b. 1979 // Alexander Galkin

I was born and grew up in Soviet Union and Russia, where I graduated from Kazan Medical University with a degree of "child doctor". During the long time of "finding myself" I carried out medical and biological research in many labs, mostly in Germany (Berlin, Prof. Menzel's Lab). I currently study electronics and engineering at the Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg, Germany, I work as a freelancer, chiefly in software development.


I am a longtime administrator of Esperanto-wikipedia (since 2005) and 90% of my contributions are within this project. I also contribute quite much in en-wiki and here on meta, but my nickname there does not have the "u with circumflex" as it should, so, these contributions may not be seen from under this account.

Contact me

  • ICQ UIN 48096055
  • alaudo (at) gmail (dot) com

Me at other branches

and many others...