PopisUrinating male fetus Dr. Wolfgang Moroder.theora.ogv
English: Ultrasound image of fetal urination at 19 weeks of pregnancy. Amniotic fluid in the second and third trimester of pregnancy is produced only by fetal urination and recicled by fetal swallowing as can be demontrated with visualization of the fetal stomach mostly seen replain of amniotic fluid. Image generated by a Voluson E8 system with RAB4-8-D Wide Band Convex Volume Probe. Frame rate 16 Hz
Deutsch: 3D Ultraschall Bild eines männlich urinierendem Fetus mit 19 Schwangerschaftswochen
Français : Image par ultrasons de la miction d'un foetus mâle à 19 semaines de grossesse. Pendant les deuxième et troisième trimestres de la grossesse, le liquide amniotique est produit exclusivement par la miction, perpétuellement recyclée par le foetus qui avale et remplit son estomac de liquide amniotique.
Italiano: Immagine ad ultrasuoni della minzione fetale a 19 settimane di gravidanza
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== {{int:filedesc}} == {{Information |Description={{en|1=Ultrasound image of fetal urination at 19 weeks of pregnancy.Image generated by a ''Voluson E8'' system with RAB4-8-D Wide Band Convex Volume Probe. Frame rate 16 Hz }}{{d...
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