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Soubor:Diamond lattice.stl

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English: A model of a diamond lattice comprising 2 x 2 x 2 unit cells by CMG Lee. Atoms are represented by tetrakis cuboctahedrons and bonds by triangular antiprisms.
Zdroj Vlastní dílo
Autor Cmglee
#!/usr/bin/env python

header = 'A model of a diamond lattice comprising 2 x 2 x 2 unit cells by CMG Lee.'

import re, struct, math
def fmt(string): ## string.format(**vars()) using tags {expression!format} by CMG Lee
 def f(tag): i_sep = tag.rfind('!'); return (re.sub('\.0+$', '', str(eval(tag[1:-1])))
  if (i_sep < 0) else ('{:%s}' % tag[i_sep + 1:-1]).format(eval(tag[1:i_sep])))
 return (re.sub(r'(?<!{){[^{}]+}', lambda m:f(m.group()), string)
         .replace('{{', '{').replace('}}', '}'))
def append(obj, string): return obj.append(fmt(string))
def tabbify(cellss, separator='|'):
 cellpadss = [list(rows) + [''] * (len(max(cellss, key=len)) - len(rows)) for rows in cellss]
 fmts = ['%%%ds' % (max([len(str(cell)) for cell in cols])) for cols in zip(*cellpadss)]
 return '\n'.join([separator.join(fmts) % tuple(rows) for rows in cellpadss])
def hex_rgb(colour): ## convert [#]RGB to #RRGGBB and [#]RRGGBB to #RRGGBB
 return '#%s' % (colour if len(colour) > 4 else ''.join([c * 2 for c in colour])).lstrip('#')
def viscam_colour(colour):
 colour_hex      = hex_rgb(colour)
 colour_top5bits = [int(colour_hex[i:i+2], 16) >> 3 for i in range(1,7,2)]
 return (1 << 15) + (colour_top5bits[0] << 10) + (colour_top5bits[1] << 5) + colour_top5bits[2]
def roundm(x, multiple=1):
 if   (isinstance(x, tuple)): return tuple(roundm(list(x), multiple))
 elif (isinstance(x, list )): return [roundm(x_i, multiple) for x_i in x]
 else: return int(math.floor(float(x) / multiple + 0.5)) * multiple
def rotate(facetss, deg_x, deg_y, deg_z): ## around x then y then z axes
 (sin_x, cos_x) = (math.sin(math.radians(deg_x)), math.cos(math.radians(deg_x)))
 (sin_y, cos_y) = (math.sin(math.radians(deg_y)), math.cos(math.radians(deg_y)))
 (sin_z, cos_z) = (math.sin(math.radians(deg_z)), math.cos(math.radians(deg_z)))
 facet_rotatess = []
 for facets in facetss:
  facet_rotates = []
  for i_point in range(4):
   (x, y, z) = [facets[3 * i_point + i_xyz] for i_xyz in range(3)]
   if (x is None or y is None or z is None):
    facet_rotates += [x, y, z]
    (y, z) = (y * cos_x - z * sin_x,  y * sin_x + z * cos_x) ## rotate about x
    (x, z) = (x * cos_y + z * sin_y, -x * sin_y + z * cos_y) ## rotate about y
    (x, y) = (x * cos_z - y * sin_z,  x * sin_z + y * cos_z) ## rotate about z
    facet_rotates += [round(value, 9) for value in [x, y, z]]
 return facet_rotatess
def translate(facetss, dx, dy, dz):
 ds = [dx, dy, dz]
 return [facets[:3] + [facets[3 * i_point + i_xyz] + ds[i_xyz]
                       for i_point in range(1,4) for i_xyz in range(3)]
         for facets in facetss]

## Add facets
facet_stickss          = [[None,0,0,  -2,10,10, -40,40,48, -10, 2,10],
                          [None,0,0, -10, 2,10, -48,40,40, -10,10, 2],
                          [None,0,0, -10,10, 2, -40,48,40,  -2,10,10]]
facet_stickss         += translate(rotate(translate(facet_stickss, 25,-25,-25),
                                          90,-90,90), -25,25,25)
facet_stickss         += rotate(facet_stickss,  0,  0,180)
facet_stickss         += rotate(facet_stickss,  0,180,  0)
facet_ball_triangless  = [[None,0,0, 12,12,0, 0,12,12, 12,0,12]]
facet_ball_triangless += rotate(facet_ball_triangless   ,  90,  0, 0)
facet_ball_triangless += rotate(facet_ball_triangless   , 180,  0, 0)
facet_ball_triangless += rotate(facet_ball_triangless   ,   0,180, 0)
facet_ball_diamondss   = [[None,0,0, 17,0,0, 12,12,0, 12,0,12]]
facet_ball_diamondss  += rotate(facet_ball_diamondss    , 180,  0, 0)
facet_ball_diamondss  += rotate(facet_ball_diamondss    ,  90,  0, 0)
facet_ball_diamondss  += rotate(facet_ball_diamondss    ,   0,180, 0)
facet_ball_diamondss  += rotate(facet_ball_diamondss    ,   0, 90, 0)
facet_ball_diamondss  += rotate(facet_ball_diamondss[:8],   0,  0,90)
facet_ballss           = facet_ball_diamondss + facet_ball_triangless
facet_stick_ballss     = facet_stickss + facet_ballss

facet_cell_1ss  = (translate(facet_ballss,100,100,0)
                 + translate(facet_stick_ballss, 50,50,50))
facet_cell_1ss += translate(facet_cell_1ss, 100,100,0)
facet_cell_2ss  = (translate(facet_ballss,200,100,100)
                 + translate(facet_stick_ballss, 150,50,150))
facet_cell_2ss += translate(facet_cell_2ss, -100,100,0)
facet_cellss    = facet_cell_1ss + facet_cell_2ss

facetss  = facet_cellss
facetss += translate(facetss, 200,  0,  0)
facetss += translate(facetss,   0,200,  0)
facetss += translate(facetss,   0,  0,200)
facetss += (facet_ballss
           + translate(facet_ballss,   0,200,  0)
           + translate(facet_ballss,   0,100,100)
           + translate(facet_ballss,   0,300,100)
           + translate(facet_ballss,   0,  0,200)
           + translate(facet_ballss,   0,200,200)
           + translate(facet_ballss,   0,400,200)
           + translate(facet_ballss,   0,100,300)
           + translate(facet_ballss,   0,300,300)
           + translate(facet_ballss,   0,200,400)
           + translate(facet_ballss,   0,400,400)
           + translate(facet_ballss, 200,  0,  0)
           + translate(facet_ballss, 100,  0,100)
           + translate(facet_ballss, 300,  0,100)
           + translate(facet_ballss,   0,  0,200)
           + translate(facet_ballss, 200,  0,200)
           + translate(facet_ballss, 400,  0,200)
           + translate(facet_ballss, 100,  0,300)
           + translate(facet_ballss, 300,  0,300)
           + translate(facet_ballss, 200,  0,400)
           + translate(facet_ballss, 400,  0,400)
           + translate(facet_ballss, 100,100,400)
           + translate(facet_ballss, 100,300,400)
           + translate(facet_ballss, 200,200,400)
           + translate(facet_ballss, 300,100,400)
           + translate(facet_ballss, 400,200,400)
           + translate(facet_ballss, 300,300,400)
           + translate(facet_ballss, 200,400,400)

## Calculate normals
for facets in facetss:
 if (facets[0] is None or facets[1] is None or facets[2] is None):
  us      = [facets[i_xyz + 9] - facets[i_xyz + 6] for i_xyz in range(3)]
  vs      = [facets[i_xyz + 6] - facets[i_xyz + 3] for i_xyz in range(3)]
  normals = [us[1]*vs[2] - us[2]*vs[1], us[2]*vs[0] - us[0]*vs[2], us[0]*vs[1] - us[1]*vs[0]]
  normal_length = sum([component * component for component in normals]) ** 0.5
  facets[:3] = [round(component / normal_length, 10) for component in normals]

# print(tabbify([['%s%d' % (xyz, n) for n in range(3) for xyz in list('XYZ')] +
#                ['N%s'  % (xyz) for xyz in list('xyz')] + ['s0f']] + facetss))
## Compile STL
outss = ([['STL\n\n%-73s\n\n' % (header[:73]), struct.pack('<L', len(facetss))]] +
         [[struct.pack('<f', float(value)) for value in facets[:12]] +
          [struct.pack('<H', 0 if (len(facets) <= 12) else
                             viscam_colour(facets[12]))] for facets in facetss])
out   = ''.join([out for outs in outss for out in outs])
print('# bytes:%d\t# facets:%d\ttitle: %s' % (len(out), len(facetss), header[:73]))
with open(__file__[:__file__.rfind('.')] + '.stl', 'wb') as f_out: f_out.write(out)
 # f_out.write('%s\n## Python script to generate STL\n%s\n' % (''.join(outs), open(__file__).read()))


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w:cs:Creative Commons
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  • uveďte autora – Máte povinnost uvést autorství, poskytnout odkaz na licenci a uvést, pokud jste provedli změny. Toho můžete docílit jakýmkoli rozumným způsobem, avšak ne způsobem naznačujícím, že by poskytovatel licence schvaloval nebo podporoval vás nebo vaše užití díla.
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The uploader of this file has agreed to the Wikimedia Foundation 3D patent license: This file and any 3D objects depicted in the file are both my own work. I hereby grant to each user, maker, or distributor of the object depicted in the file a worldwide, royalty-free, fully-paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable and perpetual license at no additional cost under any patent or patent application I own now or in the future, to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, and distribute this file and any 3D objects depicted in the file that would otherwise infringe any claims of any patents I hold now or in the future.

Please note that in the event of any differences in meaning or interpretation between the original English version of this license and a translation, the original English version takes precedence.


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současná19. 3. 2018, 02:14Náhled verze z 19. 3. 2018, 02:145 120 × 2 880 (181 KB)CmgleeUser created page with UploadWizard

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