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Wikipedista:JKoerner (WMF)

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Z Wikipedie, otevřené encyklopedie
Jackie Koerner

Communication Specialist
Wikimedia Foundation

Timezone: -5 / -6 CST
Favorite quote: "Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better." - Maya Angelou
Volunteer account: User:Jackiekoerner
Telegram: @Jackiekoerner

My Work
As of July 2022, I am a Communication Specialist for Community Resilience and Sustainability. In January 2022, I began working as a Communication Specialist for Movement Strategy and Governance. In January 2021, I began work as a facilitator supporting conversation and outreach for Movement Strategy and Governance.
About Me
User language
en-N This user has a native understanding of English.
de-3 Diese Benutzerin beherrscht Deutsch auf hohem Niveau.
Users by language
I have been a Wikimedia project volunteer since 2016. I will continue to use my volunteer account for my activities outside of this professional role. I will hold discussions for feedback and employ active listening techniques. I will work hard every day for equity and inclusion within our communities. I can talk civilly about our work even if you disagree with me or I disagree with you. I will not respond to comments or questions that are disrespectful to me, to my colleagues, or to anyone in our communities. I will not compromise on this.
Vyloučení odpovědnosti
Pracuji pro nadaci Wikimedia nebo jí poskytuji služby a toto je účet, který používám pro editace nebo prohlášení, které dělám v této roli. Nadace Wikimedia ale nekontroluje veškerou mou činnost a editace, prohlášení a další příspěvky provedené tímto účtem nemusí odrážet názory nadace.