English: Upper panel shows 11-year smoothed group sunspot numbers from telescopic obserations and the sunspot number derived from Carbon-14 cosmogenic isotope abundances in tree trunks. The lower panel shows the northern hemisphere (NH) temperature anomaly (relative to the 1990 level) from a wide variety of paleoclimate proxies: the black line is the mean value, and the colours give the uncertainty probability distribution. The blue dots are the instrumental record. The dashed lines mark the start and end of the Little Ice Age (LIA) defined by the (NH) temperature anomaly level -0.16 degrees Celsius
Please credit M. Lockwood and cite papers
M. Lockwood, M.J. Owens, E. Hawkins, G.S. Jones and I.G. Usoskin Frost fairs, sunspots and the Little Ice Age (2017) Astronomy and Geophysics, 58 (2), 2.17‐2.23, doi: 10.1093/astrogeo/atx057
M.J. Owens, M. Lockwood, E. Hawkins, I.G. Usoskin, G.S. Jones, L.A. Barnard, A. Schurer, and J. Fasullo (2017) The Maunder Minimum and the Little Ice Age: An update from recent reconstructions and climate simulations, J. Space Weather Space Clim., 7, A33, doi: 10.1051/swsc/2017034
These papers contain full details of the data sources used
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