Některé prohlížeče mohou mít problémy se zobrazením tohoto souboru v plné velikosti: Tento obrázek má neobvykle vysoké rozlišení, takže se nemusí načíst správně nebo může způsobit zamrznutí prohlížeče.
English: The top panel shows group sunspot numbers: the grey area shows the annual values from telescopic observations, the mauve line theit 11-year running means, and the green line the values deduced from the abundance of the Carbon-14 cosmogenic isotope in treee trunks. The second panel shows the winter values of the Central England Temperature, being the mean for December, January and February. The third panel shows the winter values of the Central England Temperature, being the mean for June, July and August. The bottom panel gives the aerosal optical depth, showing volcanic dust levels, from ice sheet cores. The vertical mauve lines are years in which frost fairs were held on the Thames in London and the vertical orange lines are the years when the ice on the river there was reported as thick enough to walk on. The first cyan line is the date of the removal of the old London Bridge and the wier beneath it and the second is the completion of the embankments: both riverine developments that increased the flow and ended Thames freezing events. All data sources are given in the paper Lockwood, M., M.J. Owens, E. Hawkins, G.S. Jones and I.G. Usoskin (2017) Frost fairs, sunspots and the Little Ice Age
Astronomy and Geophysics, 58 (2), 2.17‐2.23, doi: 10.1093/astrogeo/atx057 (Available from https://centaur.reading.ac.uk/69443/)
Please asknowledge creator M. Lockwood and cite the paper Lockwood, M., M.J. Owens, E. Hawkins, G.S. Jones and I.G. Usoskin (2017) Frost fairs, sunspots and the Little Ice Age
Astronomy and Geophysics, 58 (2), 2.17‐2.23, doi: 10.1093/astrogeo/atx057 and the papers cited therein detailling the data sources
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