Français : Un Abra, bateau traditionnel, traversant le Dubaï Creek à Dubai, aux Emirats Arabes Unis. En arrière-plan on peut voir le quartier de Deira.
Approval for the use of this photo can be found at Dubai Construction Update Part 7 Page 12 at Post 223. Imre Solt's exact statement is: "I, Imre Solt, put all my images found on the Dubai Construction Update sites on the GFDL (GNU Free Documentation License). I agree to the terms that my images may be freely redistributed and used, that they may be freely modified (and modified versions may also be freely redistributed and used), that any redistribution must include the full text of the GFDL itself, that the work (and modified versions of it) must be attributed to me (the creator), and that the images can be re-used for commercial purposes (as long as the use is under the terms of the GFDL and that the full text of the GDFL goes along with the work). I acknowledge that I cannot withdraw from this agreement." He gave this statement on 17 August 2007.
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{{Information |Description= This is a photo of an abra crossing Dubai Creek in Dubai, United Arab Emirates on 15 March 2008. The buildings seen in the background are in [[
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