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Jan Novotný (výtvarník)

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The glass artist, painter and art teacher Jan Novotný was born on 17 June 1929 and died in 2001 in Mala Skala, Czech Republic. He studied at the secondary glass school in Kamenický Šenov and from 1952 at the Academy of Applied Arts in Prague in the studio of prof.Josef Kaplický. From 1959 he was an art teacher at the Secondary School of Art Glass in Železný Brod. In the late fifties and during the sixties he won several signicicant awards - Silver Medal at XI. Triennale Milan, Honorary Prize at World Exhibition. Montreal 1967. he participated regularly in exhibitions of Czechslovak glass all over the world. In the seventies and eighties his work was negatively influenced by the adverse attitude of the governing communist regime to his person.

The domain of Jan Novotný is painted glass - vases, decorative wall plates and windows. But in his work he was using other techniques as well - etching, blowing or engraving. His creations include also classic paitings, graphics and drawings.

Most of his life he lived and worked in Malá Skála in northeastern Bohemia